The Black Mother & Daugther Relationship: It’s Complex!

The Black Mother & Daugther Relationship: It’s Complex!

The Black Mother & Daugther Relationship: It’s Complex!

The relationship between black mothers and their daughters is deep-rooted. Who we are today is a direct reflection of the households we were raised in. You know the saying- “watch the company you keep” or “we are who we surround ourselves with”- well the same goes for those around you during your most impressionable years, our mothers included. 

Often times, we don’t know the stories behind our mother’s eyes- how they were raised, their pain, or the events that served as the foundation of their being. And they don’t know that what they subconsciously or consciously do or hold back, serves as the foundation of ours.

The complexity? We yearn to be loved by our moms, yet she doesn’t know how to love. You want her to say “I love you”, but all she’s ever experienced was hate. You want to be heard, yet she was taught that women “should be seen and not heard”. You crave attention, but she was left to fend for herself. It’s hard! How can someone give what they never received?

The sooner we dig deep to understand our underlying traumas, the sooner we’re able to have the difficult conversations that can change our learned outlook on life. Communication, not only in the black household but amongst black mothers and their daughters is the direct link to healing the black community. It starts with us! Using our voices in the most important moments of our lives. 

Shop our “I am Speaking” Unisex Hoodie and share your feelings with your mother, sis! Your life depends on it. 

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